Orthokeratology (lens for the night)

An interesting form of correcting myopia is orthocorrection of vision defect. It allows you to compensate for myopia and astigmatism, thanks to hard contact lenses only put on at night! You see well both in the lens and without them! It is a method of correcting myopia, which is particularly important in the case of people leading an active lifestyle, practicing sports, especially water sports. Recommended especially for people whose work does not allow for another form of correction (uniformed services: policemen, firemen, soldiers, special services and miners, pilots, etc.).

It is the only documented method of inhibiting the progress of myopia in children and adults.

Like all contact lenses, they must be constantly monitored.

The scope of ortokorekcji:

From 0 to -4.75 D spherical

From 0 to -2.5 D of simple corneal astigmatism

From 0 to -0.75 D of corneal astigmatism

How do orthocorrective lenses work?

The lenses are assumed before going to bed at night. These lenses, through gentle pressure, change the central corneal radii, thus correcting myopia and astigmatism. This method is fully reversible, that is, after discontinuing its application, we return to the starting point.

The lenses are matched with the help of specialized software and a modern high definition video camera.

Correction occurs after the first night in the lenses, after a few nights usually reaches the full value.

Ortokorekcja (soczewka sferyczna)
€ 1400,00 zł

Ortokorekcja myopii (krótkowzroczności u dzieci i dorosłych); obejmuje pakiet wizyt u optometrysty i koszt soczewek.

Dotyczy soczewki o projekcie sferycznym.

Ortokorekcja (soczewka toryczna)
€ 1500,00 zł

Ortokorekcja myopii (krótkowzroczności u dzieci i dorosłych); obejmuje pakiet wizyt u optometrysty i koszt soczewek.

Dotyczy soczewki o projekcie torycznym.

Kontrola ortosoczewek

Kontrola przeprowadzana w trakcie stosowania soczewek ortokorekcyjnych.

Wizyta przeprowadzona przez:

  • lek. Piotra Jaworskiego kosztuje 150 zł
  • dr Marcina Jaworskiego kosztuje 50 zł
  • optometrystę jest bezpłatna

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